Sh. Y. D. Ahuja

Ex-Mayor, Delhi/Patron

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Covering a span of 40 years of yeomen service to the community, Vivekanand School in its celebratory year has earned itself a stature of glory with its medal tally going up high. Stupendous awards like the ISA and Behtar India Award are testimony to the acclaimed efforts being put in by us to impart quality learning and churn out well-groomed personalities. The repertoire of activities is planned with the dynamism of change in mind. Our youngsters are nurtured to be sensitive towards environmental issues like a cleaner, greener and sustainable environment and participate in important societal issues taking bold initiative as responsible citizens and not evading matters of significance. The curriculum emphasises the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and critical thinking. The problem - solving abilities provide opportunities and a platform to our students to succeed. We aspire to ensure that each Vivian takes his/her productive place as a global leader. I wish success to all Vivians!

Sh. Y. D. Ahuja

Mr. Pradyumn Ahuja


The educational journey of every child embarks on the wheels of his cultural ideologies, which shape his dreams and translate them into objectives. In the ethos of VIRTUE & KNOWLEDGE, Vivekanand School empowers its pupils in the global arena where innovation is the buzzword and technology is the tool. The digital classrooms amaze and solicit their curiosity, compelling them to create wonders. The mortar of learning enriches the students with rare depth & wisdom to discriminate decisively, assimilate the good and eschew the evil. The multi-dimensional approach to learning imparted here, instils self-confidence to challenge the stereotypes and pursue an interminable quest for learning. We constantly endeavour to provide the best possible opportunities to our students to explore the unknown & achieve the unachievable.

Pradyumn Ahuja

Mr. Tarun Gupta

Manager, Anand vihar

True education empowers, ennobles and inspires.It is learning about the world we live in and how to live in it. It helps us to pursue what we want to do in life after finding what we are interested in. When the realms of learning are amalgamated with experimenting along with discovering they become an expression of life and cherishable moments to reckon.

We at Vivekanand school have redefined everything .Our students are able to carve out a niche for themselves in the maze of life. We monitor the excellence of each student with meticulous efforts and precision so that every student experiences the pleasure of achievement. At our school if opportunities do not happen we step ahead and create them for our students.


Mrs. Megha Ahuja


Vivekanand School imparts integrated education necessary to build future citizens. In a nurturing environment, we mould and sculpt minds, ignite souls and spark off the creative aspect in them. We provide a challenging academic environment emphasising learning as well as social and personal growth. The influence of media, social network and technology makes our role as educators even more tough. Our teachers consistently work hard to create a balance between modernisation and traditional rudimentary thought where values are the hard core of a person and family and loyalty is above all. It is heartening to have received external validation of world- class education. Our teaching goes beyond the classroom so that youngsters can become lifelong learners. We take pride in transparency in our working and excellence in student - teacher - parent communication. Our school has reached great heights and will continue its pursuit of excellence, in all spheres.

Megha Ahuja

Mrs. Poonam Sharma

Prinicipal (Officiating), Anand Vihar

Swami Vivekanand remarked - "Education is the manifestation of excellence already inherent in Man."In sync with this principle, we, at Vivekanand School, acknowledge that the earthern mould that chisels a child's personality constitutes a conscientious effort, an honest commitment and a continuous endeavour. While the digital classrooms & Think Labs stimulate the intelligence quotient of the students, they are sensitized about their social & moral responsibility to their nation as well.

The holistic development of the students is hugely credited to their uninhibited communion with the mentors. The language of mutual trust and self-belief takes the learning from one pedestal to another.

Mrs. Poonam Sharma

Ms. Bhavna Batra

Head, Senior Wing

Our institution is dedicated to creating an enriched learning environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. Our mission is to provide exceptional education, equipping students to become responsible citizens and leaders of tomorrow's society. We've developed a personalized learning strategy that values each student's uniqueness and passions, promoting collaboration and teamwork. Our commitment is rooted in scientific principles and focused on students' well-being, aiming to empower them for success in an ever-evolving world.

Bhavna Batra

Mr. Krishnendu Bhattacharjee

Head-Technology & Activities

Today technology is the pen and paper in a student and a teacher's hand. It is the lens through which the academic world is experienced. The academic programme of Vivekanand School is merged with technological advancement to instill a quest for life longlearning . It has been seamlessly integratedinto the curriculum.The teacher plays the role of an encourager, adviser and facilitator of learning to help students learn better. We have taken a leap forward by intertwining the teacher and technology to make learner more creative and stay connected.

We infuse discipline and freedom in our scholars so that they become responsible citizens and add to the strength of our nation.

Krishnendu Bhattacharjee

Mrs. Mohinder Anand

Head, Middle Wing

Students fail and make mistakes but every student learns at Vivekanand School. When students falter or get confused we are always there to help them. With expertise and creditability we care for them along with their success.Michael Jordan missed more than 9000 shots in his career. He lost 300 games and missed game winning shot 26 times. He failed over and over in his life. That is why he succeeded. Not failing only implies that students are not taking enough challenges. Students inspire us and we look forward to every day as a new dawn. We know we can go farther together than alone.

We value affection over thought ;thought over knowledge ; knowledge over performance and in practice we intertwine all.

Mrs. Mohinder Anand

Mrs. Deepa Vijay Gupta

Head, Primary Wing

The only constant in life is 'change' & when the winds of change blow, they usher with them an era of creativity, innovation & new ideas. Such has been few decades of Excellence at Vivekanand School, deeply embedded in the ethos & philosophy of 'Deepening Roots & Broadening Vision'.

We at Vivekanand School believe that education is a holistic experience helping each child to develop the attributes & qualities of head, heart & hand making him a self reliant citizen & a fine human being, socially aware & humanistic, compassionate & kind, having pride in his country & belief in the concept of International brotherhood & peace, a person ready to work as an agency of change for building a more socially just & equitable society.

Mrs. Deepa Vijay

Mrs. Neelam Gupta

Manager, Preet Vihar

Today we are living in a time when old ways are giving way to the new ideas. The new age parents are eager to equip their children to lead the best possible life and forge an independent destiny for themselves. This involves a very binding relationship between a parent and the child. To help our students to achieve this aim the school puts its best forward. The children have to be nurtured very carefully. If we want to improve a child it is not by sheer scolding but by touching the heart with love and affection.

We at Vivekanand never forge that each child is an enquirer, an investigator and an analyzer with an insatiable curiosity which needs to be appeased. I wish success and happiness to my dear students, teachers and parents for the forthcoming session.

Neelam Gupta